
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: novembre, 2022


  Hola, us paso els enllaços de les cançons que cantarem aquest Nadal: 1-Popurrí de nadales amb flauta: 2- Quan arriba Nadal 3-El Nadal és un regal:


  A few days before the long-awaited Halloween festivity, we got to work with the children. The first sessions we reviewed and learned new vocabulary related to Halloween. On a central sheet and by collaborative groups we draw everything we knew about Halloween (characters, elements, animals, traditions, spooky scenarios, etc.). To practice vocabulary we play various games, including Halloween bingo! Then, for about 3 or 4 sessions we got to work to create a shared mural with our 3rd and 5th grade classmates. We created our own haunted houses in pairs: Each couple was assigned a character and a specific Halloween object or animal. They had to draw a funny and terrifying scene at the same time with both elements and write a descriptive sentence of the created scene... ...a ghost bathing in a cauldron...a broom sticking to the full moon...a witch who drops sweets to children from the sky...a vampire with the head of an owl... The result was fantastic! They are artists! We also had time t